Tuesday, April 2, 2013

the Courage to be a BAD artist...(art therapy session 1)

Dont be afraid to be a bad artist. When i mean bad i mean not as 'good' as someone else's. so even if your work is terrible relish in it. WHY? Because it is at this point you can finally speak your truth. In infancy stage nothing ever looks so good. Have you seen a newborn baby, you can't tell the mama that little crumpled up bundle isn't cute, no matter WHAT you might think! So it is with life and art, NO one who started anything was terrific. Many times when people are afraid of putting something that's ugly and RAW on the canvas you miss the lesson on how to do it right the next time. YOu also miss your truth, even if it's a mess. Don't be afraid to start small (despise not small beginnings Hab..) just let it flow. You'd be surprised how many 'so called' bad artists actually sold work.
The bumblebee doesn't know it can't fly...


I thought of Kevin Ware's horrendous injury..WOW. it doesn't get more graphic than that. It was so bad they would'nt even replay it. Why? because it was too hard to see. But the doctor HAD to look at it otherwise he would NEVER be healed. Even more he's still optimistic in playing b-ball again. How many of us would STILL be thinking about doing something we loved after that horrible defeat. That takes real heart!( pray for him by the way)

Now does this mean you never try to improve...no. What im saying is if you look around at everyone's blogs websites etc...comparing what you dont have,you'll never get started. There are people with much less who make great art or who have been told they CAN't do something. like the story of the bumblebee, the bee doesnt KNOW he's not supposed to fly so he does it anyway! So its more about movement and trying something then it always having to be perfect.

If you don't allow yourself to fail you will never figure out how to do it right. Besides you've met people with all the bells and whistles who are not so nice and you really don't want to buy from them because of it. And i've seen people who have a crappy etsy shop, no real 'talent' (whatever that means) but a whole lot of heart actually make sales....So don't be afraid to be bad!  You'll know if you should quit because the desire will no longer be there, if you still do it bad and still love what you do...it aint over yet.

As TD Jakes says...don't let the chatter stop you!
Image courtesy of digitalart / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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