Thursday, October 27, 2011

Love this

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Search for the Authentic

Musings on how to find where you fit.I was researching small companies and found a lot of people trying to find out who they were and i found that there wasn't a unique America athestic. Alot of people were angry that 'their' creations or styles unique to them were being copied. My question was what 'belongs' to you. Is it copying when you see someone's work that strikes you and then you incorporate those styles into your work. We know this is wrong, the question is what is your aesthetic? I was on Pinterest and noticed other looking at designs to do themselves.  We all have things to learn from one another, but when does this go to far? I particular for African Americans who I have seen working designs of Africa and sometimes offend those who live on the continent. My question is in searching for you unique voice are you stealing from Africa? Do these patterns 'belong' to you. Can we rise above this and seek our own voice? thoughts?

Friday, October 7, 2011

Who are you, what is your company

African Textile Pattern
African Textile, Shaire Productions, Courtesy Flickr 

I have had looked at business after business loving how everyone is using thier talents and when i look at my pitiful shop i wonder what to do. Finding your NICHE or brand is sometimes a difficult thing to do. It is especially hard when you dont know who your are or where you fit. So i am on a searching journey, one thing i have figured out is you know who you are when you see it. that thing that you dont have to think about that you like, that's totally authentic, no-one had to MAKE you like ice cream, some you like and some you don't I think its the same thing in Business. There are some things you love to do and some you hate. So when coming up with a business idea be careful not to get side-tracked by great ideas of others. remember its wonderful to glean advice and that's important, but if you spend so much time getting to know how they did it your never figure out how YOU do. Thanks.


is having a curatorial fellowship, be sure to check out their website for details...


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