Saturday, March 30, 2013


Okay so working on some artwork and some cooking for Easter, Brown Betty cookbook is the best. I sure wish it wasnt sideways..anymore more on my post about how not afraid to be a bad artist.

The recipes are divine and i hope to try some soon. Will hopefully be making the trek to Philly to try some in person. Will let you know!
I made a couple of baskets for relatives what is your easter looking like??

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The three P's Picmonkey, pinterest and Proper Credit

I made these shop ad's with an online editor program,


Source: via a on Pinterest

I'm really excited to help others do shop banners as well. My new header was also using the same program. Please check out custom work to contact me if you are interested in me doing work for you!


Pinterest is a great way to promote your business and get the word out to many different people, seeing as so many people use it. Its also a good place to share the Gospel. The only issue i have with
Pinterest is that you cannot control what images you might be exposed to, of course if you walk outside you probably can't do that either.



I read of two stories this week where big name designers used small potatoes artists  work to promote their own products. OOOH! (in my Dee from what's happening voice) That's not really cool. But when does INSPIRATION become Rachetness and just plain foul. I would be lying if certain sites don't inspire me, but when does it cross the line.  I think the safest this in to encourage your own inspiration and what comes out of you. The way your hair grows out your head..I think using inspiration as your guide is fine. But as in some BIG stores which will remain nameless, I see designs which are perhaps "tribal' in nature and almost never does the artist get credit. I know many stores carry 'african' designs without ever giving credit for the inspiration. You will never see me use kente in my work for the most part and african designs many times are swiped and none of these artist beautiful work is giving credit.

(with watermark)

I hope to encourage you to try to support handmade and fair trade outlets where the community directly benefits from your dollars.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

using powerpoint for stuff

Yes i said stuff. I was reading a book on blogs by blogger who writes Oh Joy and i found out you can use powerpoint for lots of things. well here's what i tried

im thinking of going into ebook design and album design etc..

Saturday, March 9, 2013

new sewing projects

 Okay so Im working on attempting to sew, not that im gifted in it but because i think i pick good patterns and notions, this bag i used for my camera(yay!) so naturally i can't show the camera in it. But the inside fabric is different so  I think that's a nice touch. Anyway, i will be working on some new products..


 Yeah so I like Vera Bradley because of the colors and some of the patterns. But i hope to work on my own designs soon. Check out and malene b her carpets are the bomb. Toodles.


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