Monday, November 14, 2011

Why your LOGO isnt about you!

Ok as i have been trying out different ideas for company, the biggest challenge i have found has been deciding on an image or 'look'. I am an artist so i want to make everything art, however i am learning that the best way to sell your product is to K.I.S.S (keep it simple silly) The other thing is the logo is very little about you wanting to express your creativity and more about your customer and their needs. In other words selling your art is great but if people don't know what to do with it, or can't relate it to a tangible need in their word having an eclectic ad will serve little except make you feel accomplished. The point is to get the sale. If you are selling an ideal or a theme, like buy my invites and your be savvy and fashionable, that's one thing but the issue still brings you did you make the sale. Thoughts?


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