Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Stop waiting for them to validate you..new work and why you must believe first

I am working on some book covers for a series of books. Its nice being your own designer you don't have to ship out work. But onto the post. I remember submitting a book proposal to an author on african american hair before Chris Rock's Good hair came out because i had always wanted to write about it. The publisher told me it wouldnt sell. UMMMMM? I can't even TELL you how many natural hair blogs there are from curly Nikki to natural chica to on and on and on and on. Seriously, I wonder if this guy ever wondered if he maybe didn't make a error in judgement.

Thanks why YOU MUST believe you have what it takes, but NOT everyone will see the vision at first. IF i had listened to people who didn;t know my worth or abilities i d be up the creek without a paddle. You have got to jump out there. ONLY you know what you are capable of, how do you explain GOD to someone who's never experienced them for themselves. Exactly...ANYWAY this is a cover i did in PICMONKEY bc im poor and don't own photoshop. I thought it came out pretty well considering.

If i waited for other people to give me an opportunity it might not have come. So sometimes you must just do it anyway and if it works, it works. 

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