Im sure youve heard the King memorial will be dedicated on August 28 this coming Sunday, given Irene not change plans. It is a blessing an long overdue. It was completed by a Chinese artist and I believe is one of the few monuments to any African American in Washington. The irony, as a Telegraph article stated was that the memorial was 'Made in China' too! Anyway, it would have been nice to see and African American or an American create it; but I'm not complaining he did a good job. I hope to see it one day since we are close to DC.
Hopefully opportunities for American artists will improve in the future, and the memorial will not allow us to forget. King and his legacy was not just a 'blip' on the America landscape but intergral to the make- up of this Nation. But i digress..I hope you get a chance to visit the site. GBLESS.