Thursday, February 25, 2010

Letting it Go

Again I am back to the rudimentary elements of christianity once again. My life is not all about me. I wasn't even saved for me. I was saved for someone else. God has the deed and title to my life and if HE allows me to obtain certain things on this earth while im here, that is totally His perogrative. If He chooses I not, that is also His perogotive. So such is life, the trick comes in understanding that His will is best and the highest for your life. it comes in cooperating with HIS overall plan and even when you fight, getting in line with it. I have had to let some things dear to me go. These things are probably the dearest to my heart second to my relationship with Christ. But I am understanding where God was with Abrham when He had to sacrifice Issac on the altar. He was testing Him to know and see if there was anything more important to him then HIM. God is a real jealous boyfriend, and He doesn't want to be second. I am learning my life is not my own and if He chooses to use me in a certain capacity, even that belongs to Him as well. Anything you have and do comes from God and is for Him. This is hard when you love relationship to Christ is lacking. Because when God takes everything away from you, do you love Him. Do you LIKE Him. I suppose it's more important to whether He likes us. But you get my drift. What if God decides to take away your husband or kids or that job you so desparely love. YOu are left with nothing more than Jesus. Is He going to Be enough for YOU. Its an important Question because in the end He's the only one that matters.

Have a blessed one.


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