Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Overcoming Discouragement- beware of the Boat Dwellers

Well, this is a biggie. Never underestimate the power of a positive word, or a negative one. Which is why it is so important to surround yourself with positive people who will not only tell you what you want to hear, but also what you need to hear. The following are tips I heard from many Pastors and sisters along the way.

One of the biggest deterrents to success is the fear of man and people. Which is probably why God says don't so it. If we fear God more than man, we can surely accomplish our goals: however if we are concerned with what people think more than God or even ourselves, you can make sure failure is right around the corner. Some people are so comfortable in their failure they think they are really happy when they are actually miserable. Stay away from those people!

Get out of boat! Remember staying where you are you have everything to lose, going and taking a risk on God is about the safest place to be. Here are some things to remember when deciding on your business or other venture.

  • people who are chicken, (boat dwellers) will always try to stop your attempts at getting out of the boat. usually it means they aren't doing something themselves and or they are mad they don't have the guts to do it themselves. don't take it personal, it isn't. There issue is with them selves not you. Remember the Older brother in the Prodigal son. He was mad at the younger brother, but everything the father had already belonged to him, he was putting his focus on the wrong things. Boat dwellers many times will try to take you down but don't focus on them.

  • Sometimes the circumstances look real bad, but keep focusing on Jesus. If you keep your focus on Jesus you will be able to continue walking.

  • Get over it, sometimes we get bogged down thinking, how can my family, friends and church people, not be happy I am trying this venture for God. Get over it, it may be that God is teaching you something, and not them. Whatever He told you to do. Do it.

  • Build a support network. Find builders and get away from Boat Dwellers. Seek out those that are already doing it, and build yourself around them. Don't be a hindrance, if you find yourself exhibiting Boat Dwelling characteristics have the courage to let others continue..don't try to bring others down. Stay in the boat and commiserate with the others but by all means don't bring other folks down.

  • get the right information. Not everyone knows everything, do your homework and research, this is where the hard part comes in. Knowing what to do is easy, doing it is another matter altogether, there's a reason some people make it at some don't. We all have what we need to succeed.

  • If you see someone without..Help them.

That's it, this is just the inspiration portion tomorrow, I will bring some practice tips for people who are interesting in starting their small business venture.

  • see scripture re: Jesus asked Peter to walk on water)


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