Friday, December 11, 2009

Christians and the Princess and the Frog

It is only natural that we talk about animation on an art blog seeing as I am a former film major. Well, being an african american, but Christian first I was really disappointed to read how much the occult is featured in the Princess and the Frog. So for those interested I have made a list while I am THRILLED at the prospect of a African American Princess i dunno? I think I might have to pass. Let me know your thoughts?

wonderful review below link

My concerns.....

1. Where as the other Disney films normally feature some sort of magic, cinderella etc. generally speaking no one can buy a magic wand and really make it work. Unless your a real witch I suppose. But there is harm but NO real threat (albeit against the Bible,) showing some random poofs and magic wands to try to make your story work . Ok I get it, there are not 'miracles' in the secular movie world.

2. the use of the Occult is very tangible in this film from what I hear. Even though the character using the "roots" is inheritantly evil, being and having roots in the south I am very aware of the nature and the DANGER of things that happen in marshy, occult driven areas..I.E. (santeria etc) it is very REAL and I felt a sense of EVIL I didn't like. I still not sure I want to expose myself or kids to that type of thing unless there is some lesson involved. What happens to the witch doctor at the end..i'm does he 'repent'. this guy is not a fairy god mother which we know isn't REAL but a spiritual 'griot' of sorts and his use of the occult is very prevalent in the flick. the fact that it is set in new Orleans and that this is not in never never land. the idea of the film's 'witchdoctor' talking about 'spirits' he is congering up to "deliver them souls" is VERY disturbing and the use of Tarot cards and other things(ceremonies etc) which can spark a childs interest to see what it's about are very concerning. I dunno I'd have to really pray about it. The directors I'm sure wanted to be true to life, and they fantasy here.

3. It might actually scare young child. I have enough demons to cast out as it is, who needs more. "in the name of Jesus, that is" Who needs more nightmares or other problems.

4. the devil is sneaky and knows African Americans have been waiting a long time. While I will fault no one who doesn't feel convicted by this film, even though packaged BEAUTIFULLY, I think I'll pass, at least for right now. Sounds a little demonic. Perhaps their will be some Christian animated flicks about princesses, most already features African Americans already. Perhaps we are ahead of the game. I'll let you know if I change my mind.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Maya Freelon Asante is a baltimore based artist who has recented won studio space in the Bromo Setlzer Arts Tower Sponsored by the Baltimore Promotion of the Arts, the Open Studio day is this Saturday if interested in stopping by to see work and the artists studios. I am not sure if she will be there on Saturday the 5th but it's worth checking out.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Papery and Cakery Blog: Calligraphy Crazy

Papery and Cakery Blog: Calligraphy Crazy

here's a post I found from Papery and Cakery Blog about good calligraphers
but i'm not (crazy)

Friday, October 16, 2009

My new PAINT

Who says you need case you're wondering about my new header, I actually did it in paint...on a windows 97 computer....YEAH. I thought is wasn't bad for I decided to keep it. Remember graphic design was done with a copier????.. Have a good day.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy Columbus Day!

Happy Columbus day everyone..been diligently working. Hence the lack of posting for a couple of days..I will be gone until Tuesday..enjoy the day off!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Obamas choose art for white house


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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

relax:Sandy Cove

RELAX. sandy cove is featuring an artist and communication retreat always good to have some R&R.. have a good one.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

American Craft Council

Hi everybody! the American Craft Council has just announced their deadline for crafty artists to submit for the show in Baltimore and Atlanta. I believe this story is always held in Feburary but you will need to check their website. I found out via the American Craft Council fanpage on Facebook. the deadline is Oct 15, check it out.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


this is an organization that helps women get out of a life of prostitution and human trafficking. please note, some subject matter is not appropriate for children. you may also purchase Jewerly in their store which helps women, become independent, learn a trade and hopefully free them from the sex industry. Please continue to pray for women in these grips here and abroad. God bless.

Monday, September 7, 2009


(image courtesy of

I was awaked on my facebook news feed to the new website for the Jesus storybook bible. Be sure to check it out. I was also inspired by a devotional by Priscilla Shirer who spoke about Pearl Fryer, who was a topiary artist of African American descent.(see ) He was told he could not move to the "elite" neighbor for whites because they were afraid he would not keep up his yard. Well, today he is a well known topiary artist in Bishopville South Carolina. (see) He said that he didn't know it was impossible, because no one had told him it was. Just like my desires to become an artist, many times people discourage you, based on their belief system, people will tell you it can not be done.

Like David and Goliath, David had no reason to fear the Giant, he never knew it was impossible because no one had ever told him so. It wasn't until others told him the "reality" of his situation that we hear of the "danger" . This danger never occurred to David.

1 samuel v33 Saul replied, "You are not able to go out against this Philistine and fight him; you are only a boy, and he has been a fighting man from his youth."

Are your "reality" checkers telling you it is impossible, because of your circumstances, or color.

"What will be done for the man who kills this Philistine and removes this disgrace from Israel? Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?" 1 samuel 26,

Obviously it never occurred to him he wasn't capable or could lose.David reviewed the other times God saved him and came through for him(see 1 sam 34) It was even a disgrace for Israel to be cowering for fear of this GIANT. Here GOD is on their sides and they are trembling in fear. Have you been afraid to attempt something, even though you knew God had your back.

So what is your giant, for me it is becoming an artist, writing bible stories for kids and adults: in the midst of doubters, and many obsticles, and other challenges. For you it may be having a child, or finding a job you want even overcoming illness or finding a mate. Don't be a doubter, be a DAVID...

45 David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46 This day the LORD will hand you over to me, and I'll strike you down and cut off your head. Today I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. 47 All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD's, and he will give all of you into our hands."

Monday, August 31, 2009

Artist of the Week.

I will be featuring Crafters and Artists who use the gifts the Lord has given them. Stay tuned!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Follow the signs....

Walk by Faith

Have you ever felt like God was trying to get your attention! Still trying to have the faith to get this company up and running, God has taken me on quite a faith journey the past few years... and remember He knows who you are and where you are coming from. He also knows how to get your attention. Today in the dollar store I found this company which stated on their mission that they were one of the few companies to feature African Americans in their cards. How did God know I would pick that particular card up? Why would they feature on the front page, a comment about African Americans. God knowing me being a Christian "Stokely Carmichel" reminds me that God knows exact where you are and how to get your attention. Which somehow brings me to African American community and the Abortion debate.

Obama.(Is that a sentence?) this is not a political blog..'s about using your gifts and business for Jesus, but I can't help but wonder if God has been trying to get the African American community's attention regarding the Abortion issue. I and my community should know that oppression and murder is wrong better than anyone..this is not just a african american is an american issue.....why are we doing the same thing to the unborn..we did to African slaves..using oppression and violence just to further our personal agenda..Mr. Obama, and the rest who voted.. Shame on us...It brings me to my ambitions, am i willing to sacrifice God's children/purpose for my life for my own they said back in the day..things that make you say Hmmmm?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Encouragement for the Journey..

  1. Start where you are! Today Ted Kennedy died at 77. It meant alot to me, because he was the youngest and actually lived beyond some of the curses and expectations on his life. (through i heard he changed to pro-choice) It is a still a lesson to me..never count yourself out. You might not have what you need, you might be the lowest in age, stature or some other disability and challenge, but God loves to use the lowest and the weakest in order to show Himself strong. I will be featuring new work this week and will be closer to finishing my webpage sooner than later. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Overcoming Discouragement- beware of the Boat Dwellers

Well, this is a biggie. Never underestimate the power of a positive word, or a negative one. Which is why it is so important to surround yourself with positive people who will not only tell you what you want to hear, but also what you need to hear. The following are tips I heard from many Pastors and sisters along the way.

One of the biggest deterrents to success is the fear of man and people. Which is probably why God says don't so it. If we fear God more than man, we can surely accomplish our goals: however if we are concerned with what people think more than God or even ourselves, you can make sure failure is right around the corner. Some people are so comfortable in their failure they think they are really happy when they are actually miserable. Stay away from those people!

Get out of boat! Remember staying where you are you have everything to lose, going and taking a risk on God is about the safest place to be. Here are some things to remember when deciding on your business or other venture.

  • people who are chicken, (boat dwellers) will always try to stop your attempts at getting out of the boat. usually it means they aren't doing something themselves and or they are mad they don't have the guts to do it themselves. don't take it personal, it isn't. There issue is with them selves not you. Remember the Older brother in the Prodigal son. He was mad at the younger brother, but everything the father had already belonged to him, he was putting his focus on the wrong things. Boat dwellers many times will try to take you down but don't focus on them.

  • Sometimes the circumstances look real bad, but keep focusing on Jesus. If you keep your focus on Jesus you will be able to continue walking.

  • Get over it, sometimes we get bogged down thinking, how can my family, friends and church people, not be happy I am trying this venture for God. Get over it, it may be that God is teaching you something, and not them. Whatever He told you to do. Do it.

  • Build a support network. Find builders and get away from Boat Dwellers. Seek out those that are already doing it, and build yourself around them. Don't be a hindrance, if you find yourself exhibiting Boat Dwelling characteristics have the courage to let others continue..don't try to bring others down. Stay in the boat and commiserate with the others but by all means don't bring other folks down.

  • get the right information. Not everyone knows everything, do your homework and research, this is where the hard part comes in. Knowing what to do is easy, doing it is another matter altogether, there's a reason some people make it at some don't. We all have what we need to succeed.

  • If you see someone without..Help them.

That's it, this is just the inspiration portion tomorrow, I will bring some practice tips for people who are interesting in starting their small business venture.

  • see scripture re: Jesus asked Peter to walk on water)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Christian Art and Design

Welcome to our blog, we are beginning to start a community of Christian artists who are dedicated to using their gifts to lift up the Lord. It will also be a forum to discuss business and other local church events for Christian artists. It is my hope to edify other artists and designers and to encourage others to use their spiritual gifts for the Lord. Check back for interviews and instructional videos and other information regading crafts and art and design. This will be a holy forum to feature crafts that edify our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.


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